Bio Dave

So….. I left school at 17 and worked in London for 5 years as an insurance clerk. To be honest, I spent most of my time asleep in the office toilets, recovering from all night music sessions at the local disco where aspiring wannabe rock stars would jam away on stage together for hours on end, entertaining no one but themselves. Looking back now, it was a fantastically easy life. Living at home, working in London, playing in a band for fun. I spent my free time playing football, cricket and rugby. I didn’t really start drumming until I was 16, but once I started, it sort of took over my life. Every Sunday, after football, it was straight round to Jono’s house for hours of rehearsing and cups of tea. I should maybe point out here that it was Jono who first asked me to try out as a drummer all those years
ago. So it’s all his fault then. Thanks for that, Jono. Back then, we were pretty rubbish and completely out of touch with what was going on. Punk was exploding all around us, but we were heavily into Genesis and on the very rare occasion that we played a concert, we could clear a room faster than an outbreak of Ebola virus. I still have a soft spot for early Genesis, but I have an obsessive passion for The Beatles. My two children sigh and roll their eyes whenever I play The Beatles at home and try to explain how they changed music forever. My daughter, Hannah is into Jessie J and One Direction, so I’m fighting a losing battle with her. My son Leonard just fires his nerf gun at me whenever I bring the subject up. He’s got one of those automatic nerf guns that fires ten bullets at a time. If you ever have children, NEVER buy them a nerf gun. It may look amusing and fun in the advert, but it’s not such a laugh when you are constantly being used as target practice.

Enough, enough. You’ve probably slit your wrists now or hung yourself through sheer boredom, so I’ll stop now. Hang on, Hannah has just informed me that Jessie J points out
all her favourite things in her book and insists that I do the same. So… The colour blue, Yorkshire puddings, Italy, the english countryside, Southend United FC ( when they are winning ), skiing, sleeping, reading, family. There. Now you know everything.